Thursday 23 June 2011

Elastic collision theory

The accepted solution.of binary elastic collision problem in 2-D breaks symmetry. It is therefore flawed. The correct solution was given by Christian Huygens. It is ignored for some unknown reasons.The main difference between Huygen's solution and the one that is in currency (probably due to Sir Issac Newton) is that, while Huygen's theory demands reversal of relative velocity, the latter demands restoration of relative speed. Stated differently, Huygen's theory demands rotation of relative velocity vector through an angle of 180 degree in center of mass reference frame (giving unique solution), the current theory that calls for restoration of relative speed, allows rotation through any angle (giving rise to the possibility of infinite number of solutions Uniqueness of solution is lost).

The importance of this problem has not been realized. It gives the origin of Boltzmann's theory of statistical thermodynamic entropy and the concept of irreversibility. It gives rise to problems with the concept of TIME and many other problems.